Most people enjoy playing or watching a range of sports. A huge industry employing thousands of people and generating massive revenues, the world of sport encompasses the most high profile clubs, personalities and events right through to amateurs playing for their local team.
Sharing the thrill of the contest and the passion of involvement is a vast array of spectators, participants and organisations, needing careful consideration when arranging insurance cover. This means, whatever their size and status, sporting teams and organisations tend to have insurance requirements that go beyond the usual covers required by industry and commerce.
We have a range of products available to provide valuable protection for teams and individuals taking part in various sporting activities. Whether you are looking for liability or personal accident protection or going on tour.
A standard insurance policy may not suit every sports club. To make sure you are appropriately covered, our Sports Club policy can be built around your particular needs.
Whether 10 or 100,000 members, you still need a robust insurance and risk management product to withstand the uncertainty and hazards that go hand in hand with running an NGB.
The range of sport and recreation facilities offered by Leisure Trusts whether they are single or multi site, wet or dry can be extensive. Add to this the links that most Trusts have with their local authority and you have an insurance risk landscape that requires specialist advice.
No two sports businesses are the same and we produce bespoke risk management and insurance programmes for many clients. Effective risk management can help to reduce exposure to preventable losses and can result in lower insurance premiums.
Our knowledge and expertise in the sports and leisure sector has led to the formulation of new schemes and specialist policies for a broad range of activities. We can provide bespoke solutions for leagues and associations and their members.
Media focus on professional sport is unremitting and reputational issues are extremely important. So our approach to liability risk management and insurance is one that best protects your image.