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Snowsport Scotland insurance zone


Marsh Sport are the appointed insurance broker to Snowsport Scotland. This Insurance Zone sets out details of the insurance provided as part of your membership, how to report an incident and some frequently asked questions. Whether you are a registered organisation, club, association, or an individual registered instructor, coach, leader, competitor, or supporter, you are covered by the insurances provided as part of your membership with Snowsport Scotland.

Who is covered?

This cover applies only to activities authorised or recognised by Snowsport Scotland, and to members that are UK residents. A full list of snowsport disciplines recognised by Snowsport Scotland can be found within the FAQ’s.

The policy covers:

  • Snowsport Scotland.
  • Member clubs, associations and organisations.
  • Registered instructors, leaders and coaches.
  • Registered competitors.
  • Individual supporter members.
  • Volunteers.

What insurance do you get as part of your membership?

As part of your membership with Snowsport Scotland you automatically receive the benefit of the Combined Liability insurance. To understand what this covers and to see the main terms and conditions that apply, please make sure you refer to the policy summary and policy wording which can be found in the downloads section below.

The annual policies run from 5th September 2024 – 4th September 2025 (both days inclusive)

The policies' limits are as follows:

  • Public and Products Liability – £10,000,000 any one occurrence but in the aggregate in respect of Products Liability. (£250 Excess applies)
  • Professional Indemnity - £10,000,000 any one claim and in the aggregate.
  • Directors and Officers* – £5,000,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate (£250 Excess applies).
  • Employers Liability* – £10,000,000 each and every claim.
  • Abuse cover* - up to £2,000,000 any one claim and in the aggregate.

*The Directors and Officers, Employers Liability and Abuse covers are only applicable to Snowsport Scotland and its member clubs, associations and organisations.

Please Note: Cover is operative for all affiliated Snowsport Scotland constituents on the basis you hold a live and valid membership with Snowsport Scotland and that all master insurance programmes have been renewed by Snowsport Scotland.

The covers explained

selected option
  • Public liability insurance provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property.
  • Products liability insurance provides protection against legal liability to pay compensation including legal costs for death or bodily injury, or damage to third party property arising from products supplied.
  • Cover to protect Snowsport Scotland member clubs, associations and organisations, registered instructors, coaches and leaders for claims made against them which allege that a third party has suffered an injury or financial loss caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions during the delivery of activities.
  • This cover is provided to Snowsport Scotland and its member clubs, associations and organisations.
  • This insurance provides protection against legal liability in respect of claims made for injuries to any volunteer or employee of the club, association or organisation noted above.
  • This cover is provided to Snowsport Scotland member clubs, associations and organisations.
  • Protection for committee members and officers against claims arising from their decision or actions whilst managing the clubs/organisations/associations.

Reporting an incident

It is important that all incidents that may give rise to a claim, however minor, are reported to Marsh Sport as soon as possible after the event.

Frequently asked questions

selected option

Yes, the Sportscover Liability policy will defend claims made against you for negligence. Please note any claims relating to deliberate or criminal acts are excluded.

The public liability cover is provided on a worldwide basis. This would cover claims for alleged third party injury, or third party property damage. The public liability policy does not, however, provide you with any travel insurance. Travel insurance would cover overseas emergency medical treatment, following an accident, repatriation costs, cancelled flights etc. Marsh Sport has teamed up with Jackson Lee Underwriting to provide you with a quick and easy way to obtain travel insurance quotations and purchase online. 

No, the insurance provided by Snowsport Scotland does not cover individuals own kit/equipment.

Yes, a club member can teach within their club, to their level of teaching/coaching qualification, and will be insured for Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance. However, coach-led sessions must be undertaken by an appropriately qualified coach.

There is a statute of limitation for an injured party to bring a claim for injury against. Usually 3 years or if they are a child, up to 3 years from their 18th birthday. This, however, can be reviewed by the courts depending on the circumstances. It is imperative, however, that you notify any circumstance which may give rise to a claim as soon as you are aware of it.

Activities recognised and therefore covered via your insurance are:

  • Alpine - Downhill, Super G, Giant Slalom, Slalom and Speed Skiing.
  • Nordic - Cross-country (Classical & Skating), Roller Skiing, Jumping, Telemarking/ Nordic downhill, Biathlon, Ski Orienteering.
  • Snowboarding - Freestyle, Big Air, Half Pipe, Slopestyle, Boardercross, Slalom (touring/mountain).
  • Freestyle - Moguls, Aerials, Half-Pipe, Slopestyle, Skiercross.
  • Off Piste - Off-piste shall mean areas of snow that are not part of any marked or maintained ski runs both within and outside a resort boundary. The policy will include liability arising from any snowsports activities undertaken in off-piste areas within the UK, where the activity is led or conducted by a qualified member that holds an appropriate off-piste leadership or snow safety qualification awarded by the National Governing Body.

Yes, the following excesses are applicable:

  • £250 Public & Products Liability
  • £250 Directors & Officers claims.

There aren't any age restrictions on the liability insurance, however we stipulate that participation in all activities must be in accordance with the rules & guidelines of Snowsport Scotland. As such if there are any age restrictions imposed by Snowsport Scotland for certain disciplines, then these must be adhered to.

  • Tubing.
  • Non Snowsport Activities.

No, the cover is only in place for those activities recognised by Snowsport Scotland.

Although the Liability cover you receive is worldwide, you do not automatically receive Travel Insurance. Marsh Sport, our Insurance Broker, has teamed up with Jackson Lee Underwriting to provide you with a quick and easy way to obtain travel insurance quotations and purchase online. 

The Liability policy protects the club and its registered members for allegations of negligence should they injure other members or members of the public. If the spectators are injured as a result of your club's or its members' negligence, they have the right to bring a liability claim against you. However, if a spectator injures themselves at an event and there is no negligence attaching to the club or its members, there is no automatic payment to the spectator.

The 'geographical/territorial' limits on the policy is where you can participate in Snowsport activities which is covered anywhere in the world. In layman terms, this means that you can train, participate and compete in recognised and approved Snowsport Scotland activity, worldwide. The 'jurisdiction' is where an allegation/claim can be made against you or your club. In layman terms, this means the country in which a solicitor can be appointed, to try and sue you, if a third party feels you/ your club are deemed negligent. The territorial/ jurisdictional limit on the policy is Worldwide excluding USA & Canada.

Please contact Marsh Sport to report the incident as soon as possible Tel: 0345 872 5060 Email:

  1. Public & Products Liability - £10,000,000 any one occurrence but in the aggregate in respect of Products Liability.
  2. Professional Indemnity - £10,000,000 any one claim and in the aggregate.
  3. Directors & Officers - £5,000,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate.
  4. Employers Liability - £10,000,000 each and every claim.
  5. Abuse cover - up to £2,000,000 any one claim and in the aggregate.

Please contact Marsh Sport to report the incident as soon as possible Tel: 0345 872 5060 Email:

The 'geographical/territorial' limits on the policy is where you can participate in Snowsport activities which is covered anywhere in the world. In layman terms, this means that you can train, participate and compete in recognised and approved Snowsport Scotland activities, worldwide. The 'jurisdiction' is where an allegation/claim can be made against you or your club. In layman terms, this means the country in which a solicitor can be appointed, to try and sue you, if a third party feels you/ your club are deemed negligent. The territorial/ jurisdictional limit on the policy is worldwide, excluding USA and Canada.

Yes, a club member can teach within their club, to their level of teaching/coaching qualification, and will be insured for Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance. However, Coach-led sessions must be undertaken by an appropriately qualified coach.

There is a statute of limitation for an injured party to bring a claim for injury. Usually 3 years or if they are a child up to 3 years from their 18th birthday. This, however, can be reviewed by the courts depending on the circumstances. It is imperative, however, that you notify any circumstance which may give rise to a claim as soon as you are aware of it.

Activities recognised and therefore covered via your insurance are:

  • Alpine - Downhill, Super G, Giant Slalom, Slalom and Speed Skiing.
  • Nordic - Cross-country (Classical & Skating), Roller Skiing, Jumping, Telemarking/ Nordic downhill, Biathlon, Ski Orienteering.
  • Snowboarding - Freestyle, Big Air, Half Pipe, Slopestyle, Boardercross, Slalom (touring/mountain).
  • Freestyle - Moguls, Aerials, Half-Pipe, Slopestyle, Skiercross.
  • Off Piste - Off-piste shall mean areas of snow that are not part of any marked or maintained ski runs both within and outside a resort boundary. The policy will include liability arising from any snowsports activities undertaken in off-piste areas within the UK, where the activity is led or conducted by a qualified member that holds an appropriate off-piste leadership or snow safety qualification awarded by the National Governing Body.

We would recommend that a designated person within your club is made responsible to record any reportable accident/incident. Records must be kept for at least 6 years, and longer where it involves a person under the age of 18 years. Names and addresses of any possible witnesses should also be recorded. Please ensure your club has an accident book to record all such information. In respect of Safeguarding allegations records should be kept indefinitely.

For Instructors, Coaches & Leaders who meet the Snowsport Scotland licensing criteria, you are covered for the following:

  • Public & Products Liability - £10,000,000 any one occurrence but in the aggregate in respect of Products Liability.
  • Professional Indemnity - £10,000,000 any one claim and in the aggregate.

The Liability Policy protects the club and its registered members for allegations of negligence should they injure other members or members of the public. If the spectators are injured as a result of your clubs or its member's negligence they have the right to bring a liability claim against you. However, if a spectator injures themselves at an event and there is no negligence attaching to the club or its members there is no automatic payment to the spectator.

  • Tubing.
  • Non Snowsport Activity.

There aren't any age restrictions on the liability insurance, however we stipulate that participation in all activities must be in accordance with the rules and guidelines of Snowsport Scotland. As such if there are any age restrictions imposed by Snowsport Scotland for certain disciplines, then these must be adhered to.

No, the cover is only in place for those activities recognised by SSS.

Although the Liability cover you receive is worldwide, you do not automatically receive Travel Insurance. Marsh Sport, our Insurance Broker, has teamed up with Jackson Lee Underwriting to provide you with a quick and easy way to obtain travel insurance quotations and purchase online. 

Yes, the Sportscover Liability policy will defend claims made against you for negligence. Please note any claims relating to deliberate or criminal acts are excluded.

The public liability cover is provided on a worldwide basis, this would cover claims for alleged third party injury, or third party property damage. The public liability policy does not however, provide you with any travel insurance. Travel insurance would cover overseas emergency medical treatment, following an accident, repatriation costs, cancelled flights etc. Marsh Sport, our Insurance Broker, has teamed up with Jackson Lee Underwriting to provide you with a quick and easy way to obtain travel insurance quotations and purchase online. 

For clarification, a full list of the Snowsport Scotland licensing awards and the remit of each award can be found here.

Yes, there is a £250 applicable.

Risk management is key when defending a claim and will need to be evidenced in the event of an incident. As such, it is imperative that you undertake a risk assessments for all club activities.

There aren't any age restrictions on the liability insurance, however we stipulate that participation in all activities must be in accordance with the rules and guidelines of Snowsport Scotland. As such if there are any age restrictions imposed by Snowsport Scotland for certain disciplines, then these must be adhered to.

Yes, a club member can teach within their club, to their level of teaching/coaching qualification, and will be insured for Public Liability and Professional Indemnity insurance. However, coach-led sessions must be undertaken by an appropriately qualified coach.

  • Tubing.
  • Any non Snowsport activity.

If the club is unincorporated, the officer (and its members) could be liable for any and all financial losses incurred by the club. The Directors and Officers insurance is provided to support you for claims in this area, for allegations which may come against the officer whilst undertaking their role.

If the club is incorporated, the directors may still find themselves personally liable and therefore Directors &Officers Insurance is essential.

Please note this is a different type of cover to Professional Liability, which is a form of liability insurance which helps protect professional advice given by your club. This is also known as errors and omissions cover - this is also provided as part of the Snowsport Scotland insurances.

The public liability cover is provided to you travelling anywhere in the world. This would cover claims for alleged third party injury, or third party property damage. Please note a £250 Excess applies to any claims. The public liability policy does not however, provide you with any travel insurance.

Travel insurance would cover overseas emergency medical treatment, following an accident, repatriation costs, cancelled flights etc. Marsh Sport, our insurance broker, has teamed up with Jackson Lee Underwriting to provide you with a quick and easy way to obtain travel insurance quotations and purchase online.

No, the cover is only in place for those activities recognised by Snowsport Scotland.

If your club employs the services of others, it is a statutory requirement for your club to purchase Employers Liability insurance. This is automatically provided as part of your affiliation with Snowsport Scotland; the cover provides a £10m limit of indemnity.

Please note that volunteers should be treated in the same way as paid employees as the law does not restrict the definition of employees to those who receive payment for their services.

Yes, the following excesses are applicable:

  • £250 Public & Products Liability claims
  • £250 Directors & Officers claims

Provided the activity does not require any specialist training, qualification, experience or equipment that is not recognised by Snowsport Scotland then social activity is covered involving affiliated club members. Examples of recognised social activities would include award dinners and BBQ's.

If you are unsure whether your social activity is recognised, please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060 or email: Social activities and associated entertainment involving non-members such as birthday parties are not covered.

Activities recognised and therefore covered via your insurance are:

  • Alpine - Downhill, Super G, Giant Slalom, Slalom and Speed Skiing.
  • Nordic - Cross-country (Classical & Skating), Roller Skiing, Jumping, Telemarking/ Nordic downhill, Biathlon, Ski Orienteering.
  • Snowboarding - Freestyle, Big Air, Half Pipe, Slopestyle, Boardercross, Slalom (touring/mountain).
  • Freestyle - Moguls, Aerials, Half-Pipe, Slopestyle, Skiercross.
  • Off Piste - Off-piste shall mean areas of snow that are not part of any marked or maintained ski runs both within and outside a resort boundary. The policy will include liability arising from any snowsports activities undertaken in off-piste areas within the UK, where the activity is led or conducted by a qualified member that holds an appropriate off-piste leadership or snow safety qualification awarded by the National Governing Body.

We would recommend that a designated person within your club is made responsible to record any reportable accident/incident. Records must be kept for at least 6 years, and longer where it involves a person under the age of 18 years. Names and addresses of any possible witnesses should also be recorded. Please ensure your club has an accident book to record all such information. In respect of Safeguarding allegations records should be kept indefinitely.

Please contact Marsh Sport to report the incident as soon as possible. Tel: 0345 872 5060 Email:

The 'geographical/territorial' limits on the policy are where you can participate in Snowsport activities which are covered anywhere in the world. In layman terms, this means that you can train, participate and compete in recognised and approved Snowsport Scotland activities, worldwide. The 'jurisdiction' is where an allegation/claim can be made against you or your club. In layman terms, this means the country in which a solicitor can be appointed, to try and sue you, if a third party feels you/ your club are deemed negligent. The territorial/ jurisdictional limit on the policy is worldwide excluding USA and Canada.

  • Public & Products Liability - £10,000,000 any one occurrence but in the aggregate in respect of Products Liability.
  • Professional Indemnity - £10,000,000 any one claim and in the aggregate.
  • Directors & Officers - £5,000,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate.
  • Employers Liability - £10,000,000 each and every claim.
  • Abuse cover - up to £2,000,000 any one claim and in the aggregate.

Under British Law, you can still be called an "employee" even if you are not paid. Our advice would always be to take out Employers' Liability insurance. The type of contract in place with the coach may also mean you have an employee-employer relationship. In general, you may need Employers' Liability insurance for someone who works for you if any of the following apply:

  • You have the right to control where and when they work and how they do it.
  • You supply most materials and equipment.
  • You have a right to any profit your workers make although you may choose to share this with them through commission, performance pay or shares in the company. Similarly, you will be responsible for any losses.
  • You deduct national insurance and income tax from the money you pay them.
  • You require that person only to deliver the service and they cannot employ a substitute if they are unable to do the work.
  • They are treated in the same way as other employees - for example, if they do the same work under the same conditions as someone you employ.
  • It is essential that when you use self-employed coaches, that you check the terms of contract for their services to establish if you will be classed as their employer, and that they have their own Public and Professional Indemnity insurance in place.

Employers' Liability provides protection to your club, as the employer, in the event any of the volunteers or employees injure themselves and sue your club for negligence.

No, if you require cover for your club equipment please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060 for a quotation.

There is a statute of limitations for an injured party has to bring a claim for injury against you. Usually 3 years or if they are a child up to 3 years from their 18th birthday. This however can be reviewed by the courts dependant on the circumstances. It is imperative however that you notify any circumstance which may give rise to a claim as soon as you are aware of it.

The Liability policy protects the club and its registered members for allegations of negligence should they injure other members or members of the public. If the spectators are injured as a result of your club's or its members' negligence, they have the right to bring a liability claim against you. However, if a spectator injures themselves at an event and there is no negligence attaching to the club or its members, there is no automatic payment to the spectator.