Cover for a club’s and events legal liability of up to £10,000,000 in respect of claims made against the affiliated entity for injuries caused to an employee or volunteer arising out of and in the course of their such employment.
Cover for your legal liability of up to £10,000,000. This insurance provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property.
Cover for your legal liability of up to £5,000,000. This insurance covers coaches and those in the role of committee members and officers for claims made against them which allege that a third party has suffered an injury or financial loss caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions during coaching activities.
Cover for a club’s and events legal liability of up to £10,000,000 in respect of claims made against the affiliated entity for injuries caused to an employee or volunteer arising out of and in the course of their such employment.
Senior Account Handler – Cathy Peel
Tel: 0113 394 2293
Client Executive – Ross Gardiner
Tel: 07385 482669
Claims Handler – Michaela Britten
Tel: 0113 220 7536
We recommend that a designated person is made responsible to record any reportable accident/incident. Records must be kept for at least six years, and longer where it involves a person under the age of 18 years. Names and addresses of any possible witnesses should also be recorded. Please ensure your club has an accident book to record all such information. In respect of Safeguarding allegations records should be kept indefinitely.
Yes, the public liability insurance provided will defend your position, should you be sued for injury to a third party or damage to a third parties property. Please note any claims relating to deliberate or criminal acts are excluded.
Although the Liability cover is worldwide, the British Weight Lifting policy doesn’t negate the need for travel insurance. Additional sports travel insurance can be purchased from Marsh Sport. View here.
Please note: BWL can provide travel cover for staff/teams/athletes declared to them in advance and who travel abroad to represent the BWL.
Not under this liability policy.
For your own individual equipment please call Marsh Commercial on 020 4579 2080 (Option: New Business) to discuss your requirements.
If your query relates to the insurance policy please contact Marsh Sport on , or call on 0113 394 2293
The liability insurers who provide the public liability cover can only indemnify UK residents.
Under the liability insurance there are no age restrictions. You must however adhere to any age restrictions set by the association if applicable
Yes. It is essential that you undertake risk assessments for the activities of your club to support you in your risk management. You and your club owe a duty of care to those around you. If an allegation for negligence is made against you or your club the risk assessments will be needed to evidence what you have reasonably been able to do to prevent an incident occurring.
No. Only BWL members are covered by this insurance.
Yes, the insurance will provide cover.