What additional insurance should clubs consider?
Working alongside British Weight Lifting, we have identified an exposure that some member clubs may have inadequate insurance protection in place.
In addition to the property owners liability provided by British Weight Lifting membership, clubs should particularly consider the provision of public liability insurance protection.
- This policy would provide cover for third party public liability exposures associated with the operational activities of your facility/gym. Example: If a weight falls on a member of the public.
- This means qualifying claims from the actual activity of lifting weights will be covered, subject to terms and conditions.
- In addition to Public liability cover there are some other insurance benefits that will help provide even wider protection for British Weight Lifting members.
It is recognised not all clubs will require the same level of protection so we have put together two simple product options to choose from - Silver or Gold. Further detail of these options can be found in the brochure download but we have listed some of the main features below.