This cover is provided to all affiliated clubs and areas of England Korfball.
Protection against legal liability in respect of claims made for injuries to any volunteer or employee of the member club or area/regional committee.
This cover applies only to activities authorised or recognised by England Korfball.
The policy covers:
*Coaches and referees must be registered with England Korfball in order for the insurance to be operative.
Membership of England Korfball is granted under the provisions laid down by the Articles of the Association to clubs and members who have paid their annual subscription, and are registered.
As part of your membership to England Korfball, you automatically receive the benefit of the association's Combined Liability insurance. To understand what this covers, and to see the main terms and conditions that apply, please make sure you refer to the policy summary and policy wording which can be found in the downloads section below.
The annual policies run from 01st December 2024 – 31st November 2025 (both days inclusive)
The policies' limits are as follows:
This cover is provided to all affiliated constituents of England Korfball.
Public liability insurance provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property.
Products liability insurance provides protection against legal liability to pay compensation including legal costs for death or bodily injury, or damage to third party property arising from products supplied.
This cover is provided to all affiliated constituents of England Korfball.
Cover to protect a England Korfball registered club or coach for claims made against them which allege that a third party has suffered an injury or financial loss caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions during coaching activities.
This cover is provided to all affiliated clubs and areas of England Korfball.
Protection against legal liability in respect of claims made for injuries to any volunteer or employee of the member club or area/regional committee.
This cover is provided to all affiliated Clubs and Areas of England Korfball.
Protection for committee members and club officers against claims arising from their decision or actions whilst managing the organisation.
Employers Liability protects the employer in the event of an injury to an employee, for which the employer is liable. Employers Liability could apply to clubs who employ coaches or volunteers to work on their behalf. Public Liability protects a club/member/volunteer if another member, or a member of the public, sues them for injury or damage caused.
Yes, an overview of the principal exclusions is as follows:
Please refer to the policy wording for full details regarding policy exclusions.
In the event of an accident please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060 or Email:
In NO circumstances should you admit liability or agree to pay for any damage caused as this may prejudice the Insurers position and could result in the withdrawal of any indemnity. You should report incidents that may potentially form part of policy cover regardless of whether you think you are liable. Circumstances include:
Yes, insurers advice which should be followed is: Remote coaching/instruction (live or pre-recorded). In respect of any coaching or instruction that is undertaken remotely, it is strongly recommended that the insured should:
Yes, three taster sessions are permitted. On the third session the participant needs to become a member of the club to ensure they are covered under the insurance policies.
If your query relates to the insurance policy, please contact Marsh Sport on either 0345 872 5060, or use our contact form.
Yes - the Public Liability insurance covers low risk fund raising activities.
If you would like to insure your club premises, sporting equipment or require sports travel insurance please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)
Yes, clubs are provided with Employers Liability insurance, with a Limit of Indemnity of £10,000,000.
Liability cover is provided for trips abroad within Europe only that are pre-authorised by England Korfball. The membership insurance does not include travel insurance.
We recommend that a designated person within your club is made responsible to record any reportable accident/incident. Records must be kept for at least six years, and longer where it involves a person under the age of 18 years. Names and addresses of any possible witnesses should also be recorded. Please ensure your club has an accident book to record all such information. In respect of Safeguarding allegations records should be kept indefinitely.