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Badminton England insurance zone


Marsh Sport are the appointed insurance broker to Badminton England. This dedicated website provides the information you need to understand the cover provided by Badminton England's insurance policies' explaining who is covered, how to report and incident and answering some Frequently Asked Questions.

The benefits

As part of your membership with Badminton England you automatically receive the benefit of the association's combined liability and group personal accident insurance (the latter is applicable for coaches and compete* members). Coaches and compete members are also covered for loss or damage to their Badminton Sports equipment such as rackets, nets, sports bags etc. Further details can be found in the ‘What cover is provided’ section below and in the summary of cover within the useful downloads section. 

*Compete members are players that play in sanctioned tournaments and competitions and upgrade to compete membership. 

What cover is provided?

The Insurance provided by way of affiliation will protect you and your club, county or league if you are held responsible for the injury to another person, or damage to third party’s property. The policy also provides management liability for committee members.

The policies' limits are as follows:

  • Public and products liability – £15,000,000 each and every claim.
  • Professional indemnity - £5,000,000 each and every claim.
  • Employers liability - £10,000,000 each and every claim.
  • Management and corporate legal liability - £500,000 each and every claim.
  • Abuse cover - £2,500,000 in the aggregate.

As a coach affiliated with Badminton England you receive public liability cover, professional indemnity, legal expenses (including free legal helpline), personal accident benefits and some cover for Badminton Sport equipment loss or damage.

  • The details and limits of cover can be found on the coaches summary of cover in the downloads section below.
  • If you are self-employed you are insured to deliver Badminton England recognised activity subject to your turnover being less than GBP50,000 per annum.
  • If you are a volunteer coach you are insured to deliver Badminton England recognised activity subject to your turnover being less than GBP5,000 per annum.
  • You are permitted to use a trading name, however if you have set up a Limited company you will need to purchase insurance cover away from the Badminton England scheme. Please contact Marsh Sport to obtain a quotation.

Please note if you employ the services of others you need to contact the membership team at Badminton England to access the employers liability cover. Visit the Badminton England website here.

  • As an affiliated member or compete member of Badminton England, you receive public liability cover up to GBP15,000,000.
  • The insurance aims to cover the cost of defending a claim that has been made against you if you are held responsible for causing injury to another person or have damaged a third party’s property. Cover also includes member to member claims.
  • If you are a ‘compete’* member, in addition to the public liability cover, you also receive personal accident benefits and some cover for Badminton Sport equipment loss or damage. The details and limits of cover can be found on the Compete Members summary of cover in the downloads section.

*Compete members are players that play in sanctioned tournaments and competitions and upgrade to compete membership

As an umpire, referee or official registered with Badminton England you automatically receive public liability and professional indemnity insurance whilst ‘officiating’ at any recognised competition or event.

Frequently asked questions

Please scroll across the tabs to view FAQs for: "Clubs, counties, leagues", "Coaches" and "Members".
selected option

We would recommend that a designated person within your club is made responsible to record any reportable accident/incident. Records must be kept for at least six years, and longer where it involves a person under the age of 18 years. Names and addresses of any possible witnesses should also be recorded. Please ensure your club has an accident book to record all such information. In respect of safeguarding allegations records should be kept indefinitely. If an incident occurs please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060

Although the liability cover you receive is worldwide, you must ensure you have travel insurance in addition. If you would like a quotation please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060.

If the club is unincorporated, the officer (and its members) could be liable for any and all financial losses incurred by the club. The directors and officers/ trustees indemnity insurance is provided to support you for claims in this area for allegations which may come against the officer whilst undertaking their role. If the club is incorporated the directors may still find themselves personally liable and therefore directors and officers/ trustees indemnity insurance is essential. Please note this is a different type of cover to professional liability, which is a form of liability insurance which helps protect professional advice given by your club this is also known as errors and omissions cover.

Only claims regarding professional indemnity, public and products liability and corporate liability require an excess to be paid.

  • Professional indemnity - £500.
  • Public liability (third party property damage only) - £250.
  • Abuse - £2,500.

There is no insurance cover in place for loss or damage to club equipment. If you would like a quotation please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060.

If your club employs the services of others it is a statutory requirement for you to purchase employers liability insurance. This is automatically provided as part of your affiliation with Badminton England, the cover provides a GBP10,000,000 limit of indemnity. Please note volunteers should be treated in the same way as paid employees as the law does not restrict the definition of employees to those who receive payment for their services.

Risk management is key when defending a claim and will need to be evidenced in the event of an incident. As such it is imperative that you undertake a risk assessments for all club activities.

The liability policy protects the club and its registered members for allegations of negligence should they injure other members or members of the public. If a spectator is injured as a result of your clubs negligence, the injured party has the right to bring a liability claim against you. The liability policy in place will respond and insurers will investigate the claim on behalf of the club. However, if a spectator injures themselves at an event and there is no negligence attaching to the club or its members there is no automatic payment to the spectator.

  • Public and products liability £15,000,000 any one event (any one period for products/pollution).
  • Abuse cover £2,500,000 any one occurrence and in the aggregate.
  • Professional indemnity £5,000,000 in the aggregate.
  • Directors and officers £5,000,000 in the aggregate.
  • Corporate legal liability £500,000 in the aggregate.
  • Employers liability £10,000,000 any one event.

Yes, prospective members are covered for up to six sessions per year, these are classed as 'come and try it sessions'. Once they have attended the six sessions in order to attend any more they must become affiliated members of your club or Badminton England.

If an incident occurs please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060. (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm)

As a Badminton England coach, you may coach abroad however only temporarily and as long as you are a permanent resident is in the UK.

It is a legal requirement that any business who has employees must have employers liability. So as a coach, you may have assistant coaches or volunteers working beside you as part of your activities. If this is the case please contact the Badminton England coaching department.

As a Badminton England coach you will be insured for activities that are recognised by Badminton England, as long as the activity falls within your coaching qualification & remint. As part of your coaching responsibilities please ensure you undertake adequate risk assessment checks before each training session. Please note paid coaches can earn up to GBP50,000 and voluntary coaches can earn up to GBP5,000. Above these turnover thresholds you will need to purchase your own standalone Liability cover, if this is required please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060.

You are covered if you are a sole trader or use a trading/business name. For example Joe Bloggs t/a 123 Badminton Coaching. If you are set up as a LTD company you need to seek separate business insurance. Please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060.

No. It is vital that you arrange your own travel insurance whenever you are going abroad. This will provide cover for your medical expenses if you are injured or taken ill, as well as covering lost and delayed baggage and cancellation costs.

As part of your membership with Badminton England you automatically receive the benefit of the association's combined liability. The following covers are in place:

  • Public & Products liability £15,000,000 any one event (any on period for products/ pollution)
  • Professional indemnity £5,000,000 any one event
  • If you are a 'compete' member you also receive personal accident benefits and cover for your sports equipment (up to £525).

If you are injured and believe fault lies with the third party, we recommend you seek advice on how to pursue a claim against the said person responsible for causing your injury. The cover via Badminton England does not provide legal expenses cover for you to pursue a personal injury claim against a third party. You may however be entitled to benefits within the personal accident policy if you are a 'compete member'. Please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060 if you wish to make a personal accident claim.

Yes, player to player cover is in place within the public liability section of the policy.

Yes, the public liability and personal accident cover (if you are a complete member) is provided worldwide, as long as the activity is one that is recognised by Badminton England. However, you will need to take out additional travel insurance.

Yes, if you are a 'compete' member you receive cover for your sports equipment for up to £525, subject to a £50 Excess, if you wish to make a claim for damage to your own equipment please call Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060.

Yes, the insurance cover is in place if you were to take part in recognised club activities away from your home club premises.

This would be taken on a case by case basis as it depends on which rule has been breached and the circumstances. If you need to discuss an incident that may give rise to a claim please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060.

No, the insurance policies are in operative for events organised and recognised by Badminton England or your club.

Yes, the insurance cover you receive will cover you whilst you are training for badminton activities.

Reporting an incident or making a claim

Please follow these simple steps to making a claim:

  • All incidents that could give rise to a claim must be reported at your earliest opportunity to Marsh Sport, with any writ or summons forwarded on immediately following receipt. Please email any correspondence to or telephone 0345 872 5060 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm)

  • You should not admit liability under any circumstances as the insurers will respond to all allegations on your behalf.

  • Please note that failure to report a claim potential claim could result in indemnity under this policy being withdrawn by the insurers.

Personal Accident claims (applicable to Coaches and Compete Members only)

  • To make a personal accident claim, you must complete the personal accident form  and return this to or Aviva Insurance, 4th Floor, The  Observatory, Chapel Walks, Manchester, M2 1HL 

Equipment claims (applicable to Coaches and Compete Members only)

In order for the Insurers to consider a claim for your equipment, please can you provide the following information via email to:

  1. Badminton England Membership Category
  2. Badminton England Membership Number
  3. Incident Date
  4. Circumstances and Description of the Damage (photos if possible)
  5. A written estimate for the repair/replacement
  6. Correspondence Address
  7. Bank Account details, (the settlement payment will be made via BACS) :- Account Holder Name. Account Number. Sort Code.