If you become injured whilst participating in an England Boxing activity, you can incur some significant financial losses as a result. Personal accident insurance can help offset some of these unexpected expenses. This insurance can pay out a set amount if someone is injured in an accident and the payout can be a lump sum or a weekly amount.
Who is covered and when?
- Any registered member of England Boxing.
- A member shall be deemed to include all young persons training and sparring at a registered club, but must be placed on the England Boxing Vault.
- Recreational members will also be included, so long as they are registered on The Vault for the current season.
Operative time: Cover applies anywhere in the world, provided an Insured Person is:-
- taking part in any contest or competition organised by England Boxing Ltd, or
- taking part in training organised by England Boxing Ltd or an Insured Person’s club under the supervision of an instructor or official of England Boxing Ltd or an Insured Person’s Club, or
- travelling directly to or from, other than by air or motorcycle, any contest of competition within Great Britain organised by England Boxing Ltd, or
- travelling to or from any contest or competition held outside Great Britain.
What are the benefits?
The Policy covers:
- Accidental Death up to £10,000.
- Loss of two or more limbs or loss of both eyes or one of each up to £50,000.
- Loss of one limb or loss of eye up to £50,000.
- Permanent total loss of speech £50,000.
- Permanent total loss of hearing in both ears £50,000.
- Permanent total disablement £50,000 (other than loss of sight, limb, speech or hearing).
- Temporary total disablement £50 per week (for a maximum of 104 weeks).
Please note that the policy is not designed to replace your usual income in the event you are unable to work following an accident.