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England Boxing insurance zone


We are the appointed insurance broker to England Boxing. This website provides all the information you need to understand the cover provided by the England Boxing insurance policies', explaining who is covered, how to report an incident and providing some useful risk management guidance along the way.

What insurance do you get as part of your membership?

Membership of England Boxing is granted under the provisions laid down by the Articles of the Association to clubs and members who have paid their annual subscription, and registered with their Regional Association.

As part of your membership to England Boxing you automatically receive the benefit of the association's Public Liability and Group Personal Accident insurance. To understand what these covers are and to see the main terms and conditions that apply please make sure you refer to the policy summary and policy wording which can be found in the downloads section below.

The annual policies run from 1 November to 31 October each year.

The policies' limits are as follows:

  1. Public liability - cover for your legal liability of up to £10,000,000.
  2. Professional indemnity - cover for the club's or instructors legal liability of up to £2,000,000.
  3. Personal accident - cover for accidental bodily injury - up to £50,000.
  • This cover only applies to activities controlled, sponsored, recognised or authorised by England Boxing, (eg. training of boxers, permitted shows) and this is not a substitute for the club’s own insurance arrangements.
  • For any activities not controlled, sponsored, recognised or authorised by England Boxing, individual clubs are advised to arrange their own Public Liability cover.
  • Employers liability is not provided for clubs. Clubs must ensure that they arrange this cover should they employ any person.
  • Cover does not extend to cover liability arising out of alleged physical abuse, road traffic liability, contractual liability, asbestos, libel or slander.
  • The policy does not provide insurance for premises of individual clubs or their contents.
  • It is warranted that sparring must not be undertaken by members under the age of 10. England Boxing only allow sparring to take place for carded boxers who are registered to England Boxing that are over 10 years of age. See link to rule here. A recreational boxer who wishes to spar must have their medical recorded on an ME1 form, which can be found here .
  • A medical examination must be completed with evidence for a member to be insured under the insurance policies.
  • All members, including recreational members, must be registered to England Boxing on The Vault to be insured under the insurance policies.

Please see the policy wording for full details of all the policy exclusions.

The covers explained

Public liability insurance provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property.

Products liability insurance provides protection against legal liability to pay compensation including legal costs for death or bodily injury, or damage to third party property arising from products supplied.

This cover applies only to activities controlled, sponsored, recognised or authorised by England Boxing (eg. training of boxers, permitted shows).

The policy covers:

  • Regional associations.
  • Affiliated clubs.
  • Officials.
  • Coaches.
  • Boxers. 

Separate cover will need to be arranged if the activities do not fall within the above description, for example, boxercise classes, or property defects that the club, as a tenant or property owner, are legally liable for. Please refer to Marsh Sport, should you require clarification.

Cover to protect an England Boxing affiliated club or coach for claims made against them which allege that a third party has suffered an injury or financial loss caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions during coaching activities that were provided in return for a fee.

The policy covers:

  • Regional associations. 
  • Affiliated clubs.
  • Officials.
  • Coaches.
  • Boxers.

This cover applies only to activities controlled, sponsored, recognised or authorised by England Boxing, (eg. training of boxers, permitted shows) and this is not a substitute for the club’s own insurance arrangements.


If you become injured whilst participating in an England Boxing activity, you can incur some significant financial losses as a result. Personal accident insurance can help offset some of these unexpected expenses. This insurance can pay out a set amount if someone is injured in an accident and the payout can be a lump sum or a weekly amount.

Who is covered and when?
  • Any registered member of England Boxing.
  • A member shall be deemed to include all young persons training and sparring at a registered club, but must be placed on the England Boxing Vault.
  • Recreational members will also be included, so long as they are registered on The Vault for the current season.

Operative time: Cover applies anywhere in the world, provided an Insured Person is:-

  • taking part in any contest or competition organised by England Boxing Ltd, or
  • taking part in training organised by England Boxing Ltd or an Insured Person’s club under the supervision of an instructor or official of England Boxing Ltd or an Insured Person’s Club, or
  • travelling directly to or from, other than by air or motorcycle, any contest of competition within Great Britain organised by England Boxing Ltd, or 
  • travelling to or from any contest or competition held outside Great Britain.
What are the benefits?

The Policy covers:

  • Accidental Death up to £10,000.
  • Loss of two or more limbs or loss of both eyes or one of each up to £50,000.
  • Loss of one limb or loss of eye up to £50,000.
  • Permanent total loss of speech £50,000.
  • Permanent total loss of hearing in both ears £50,000.
  • Permanent total disablement £50,000 (other than loss of sight, limb, speech or hearing).
  • Temporary total disablement £50 per week (for a maximum of 104 weeks).

Please note that the policy is not designed to replace your usual income in the event you are unable to work following an accident.

Additional information

Please note. This section contains third party content and/or links to third party websites. Links to third party websites are provided as a convenience only. Marsh is not responsible or liable for any third party content or any third party website nor does it imply a recommendation or endorsement of such content, websites or services offered by third parties.
selected option

Liability claims

Please follow these simple steps to making a claim:

  • All incidents that could give rise to a claim must be reported at your earliest opportunity to Marsh Sport, with any writ or summons forwarded on immediately following receipt.
  • You should not admit liability under any circumstances as the insurers will respond to all allegations on your behalf.

    Please note that failure to report a claim potential claim could result in indemnity under this policy being withdrawn by the insurers.

  • If you receive a Claims Notification Form (CNF) relating to either a claim against your club or an individual you should immediately (and no later than one working day) send an electronic acknowledgment of receipt of the CNF to the claimant’s legal representatives. We suggest a wording of: “We acknowledge receipt of the CNF dated xx/xx/xx which is being passed onto our insurer, Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty policy number GBT001763190. You should then immediately send the CNF and associated correspondence to Marsh Sport to enable formal acknowledgement by the insurer to the claimant’s legal representatives.

Personal accident claims

  • In the event of an injury during the operative time of the policy please contact Marsh Sport so that we can confirm the cover available.
  • We will then provide a claims form for completion.

Barbecues are a great addition to any event but they need to be done with care to avoid food poisoning or accidents around the fire. Common sense and good preparation can help ensure a safe environment.

Visit the Food Standards Agency website.

Guy Fawkes Night is a time of excitement for children and adults alike, and a time when many clubs host organised firework and bonfire displays. However, whilst such events represent an opportunity to engage with the wider community, and to raise funds, they also pose significant health and safety risks.

Visit the UK Fire Service website.

Crowd and spectator management can be stressful and time-consuming. A seemingly docile crowd can quickly veer into chaos, sparked by a single incident. You need to make sure your organisation and facilities are prepared to handle it. Because crowds can be so volatile, they require careful management.

Visit the HSE website.

Fireworks are an indispensable part of celebrations such as Bonfire Night and New Year’s Eve. When your club or organisation puts on a special event with fireworks, take precautions to reduce the risks and keep your employees, volunteers and spectators injury-free.

Visit the HSE website.

Are you prepared in the event of an injury that requires emergency treatment? Ensuring you have provided sufficient training is equally as important as having the correct equipment easily to hand.

Visit the NHS website.

Sports clubs/grounds can be subject to the risk of flooding. There are things you can prepare in advance, and also useful guidance available to help get your club back to normal as quickly as possible, should the worst happen.

Visit the UK Fire Services website.

Slips or trips are the single most common cause of injury and actions brought as a result can be extremely damaging to football clubs, especially where members of the public are involved. The key to minimising the risks posed by slips, trips and falls is in identifying potential hazards, both inside and outside the clubhouse and taking steps to eliminate or mitigate them.

Visit the HSE website.

A specialist sport insurance broker

Marsh Sport is a specialist division of Marsh Ltd a global provider of insurance and risk management solutions to the world of sport. Our approach has helped to make us one of the leading providers to the sports industry. Sporting entities, from grassroots level to the largest professional organisations and governing bodies, turn to us for independent advice, as do many high profile individuals.

Whether the organisation is large or small the options for the management and understanding of the risks faced can often be complex and varied. So, it pays to seek advice from a trusted specialist sport insurance advisor like us.

We have highlighted below some additional products that you might find of particular interest but for full details of the range of solutions we can provide then please visit our website.

Every sports club has specific needs, which means that a standard insurance policy may not fit everyone. Our Sport Club insurance policy can be built around your particular requirements, so whether you need cover for your prized trophies or require buildings cover for your clubhouse, we have a policy to suit.


Event cancellation insurance protects your finances if or when the event is affected by reasons beyond your control. This way if the worst happens you will be reimbursed for the financial loss. It can even cover the profits that you would have made should the event have been put on as planned.


Jetting off for a summer tour or going by coach to take part in a festival or tournament - whichever mode of transport you would be advised to arrange some travel insurance protection. This will provide cover for cancellation, repatriation, luggage, sports equipment, etc.


No - the centrally purchased arrangements only covers boxing related activities. You will require a separate insurance policy.

For the insurance cover to apply the boxing match must be either controlled, sponsored, recognised or authorised by England Boxing. Therefore, in this instance the cover will be void as the member is not taking part in an event that is controlled, sponsored, recognised or authorised by England Boxing.

If your club is only engaged in England Boxing approved activities which are: activities controlled, sponsored, recognised or authorised by England Boxing (eg. training of boxers, permitted shows) then you are covered under the insurance of England Boxing.

For any activities not controlled, sponsored, recognised or authorised by England Boxing, individual clubs are required to arrange their own Public Liability cover. For example, if your club is operating any fitness classes, social events etc. In addition, if you have any paid employees you will need to take out your own insurance as they are not covered under the England Boxing Insurance.

No, all recreational members, even if only attending one session, must be registered on The Vault to ensure they are covered under the insurance policies.

Yes, an overview of the principal exclusions is as follows:

  • Indemnity shall not be provided for the UK Armed Forces Boxing Association and their respective members.
  • Tenants/Property Owners Liability.
  • Participant to Participant - Indemnity shall not be provided for any bodily injury caused, or contributed to, by any participant to any other participant whilst participating in a match or a practice.
  • Medical Malpractice.

No, Employers Liability insurance is a separate insurance required in the event that an employee is injured and claims compensation against the club.

In general, you may need Employers Liability insurance for someone who works for you if any of the following apply:

  • You have the right to control where and when they work and how they do it.
  • You supply most materials and equipment.
  • They are treated in the same way as other employees, for example if they do the same work under the same conditions as someone you employ.
  • They are undertaking work experience at the club.

The Personal Accident policy benefits are payable on a no fault basis.

Please contact Marsh Sport on either 0345 872 5060, or by email at

Liability cover is provided for trips abroad that are authorised by England Boxing. The membership insurance does not include Travel Insurance, which can be obtained from Marsh Sport.

If there are verbal or written allegations made against your club, you should record the information and notify Marsh Sport of the incident at your earliest opportunity. Either email us using the form on this page or call 0345 872 5060 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).

In NO circumstances should you admit liability or agree to pay for any damage caused as this may prejudice the position of Insurers and COULD result in the withdrawal of any indemnity.

Please note this is a Liability policy where Insurers decide if negligence attaches to you, meaning any payment you make to any third parties will not necessarily be reimbursed.

Employers Liability protects the employer in the event of an injury to an employee, for which the employer is liable.
Employers Liability could apply to clubs who employ coaches or volunteers to work on their behalf.
Public Liability protects a club/member/volunteer if another member, or a member of the public, sues them for injury or damage caused.

This provides a "no fault" compensation for members who are injured whilst participating in authorised/organised activities.