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National Small-bore Rifle Association insurance zone


Welcome to the National Small-bore Rifle Association (NSRA) Insurance Zone. As the NSRA appointed insurance brokers we are working closely with them to offer high quality insurance solutions accessible via membership and affiliation.

This page provides an overview of the insurance cover provided to members together with useful downloads and details of how to report a claim.

If you are uncertain as to whether cover is appropriate for you please do not hesitate to contact Marsh Sport and we will be happy to discuss your requirements in more detail.


All Insurance covers provided are only applicable to UK Residents only

About the scheme

Marsh Sport (previously known as Bluefin Sport) are the appointed insurance brokers to the National Small- bore Rifle Association (NSRA) and we are working with them to offer high quality insurance solutions at competitive premiums for members.

  • One of the benefits of becoming a member of the NSRA, or a member of an NSRA affiliated club, is the automatic provision of public liability insurance to protect you in the event of causing injury to third parties and/or damage to their property.
  • In addition to the covers provided within your membership/club affiliation there are also options if you would like to increase certain cover limits or include additional benefits. Options available will depend upon whether you are a club/association/organisation or an individual NSRA member.
  • The membership insurance benefits are available through the membership/club affiliation to the NSRA and will become operative from the date that you become a member. The NSRA Group policy, and any supplementary policy you buy to increase your cover, will be annually renewable on the 1st January each year.

Are you an Affiliated Club Member only? As an NSRA Affiliated Club Member, whilst you benefit from insurance protection you may not realise that broader cover is available if you become a full individual NSRA member.

Join the National Small-bore Rifle Association as a Full Annual Member today and enjoy all the benefits of NSRA Membership. Full NSRA member benefits include:

  • £10m third party liability insurance cover
  • Up to £50,000 personal accident & legal expense cover, including threat of license revocation
  • Up to £10,000 cover for personal shooting equipment
  • Insurance protection for a wide range of target shooting sports
  • No upper age limit for insurance cover
  • Eligible to take part in National NSRA competitions
  • Access to NSRA’s coaching and development programme
  • Regular membership communications, ‘On Target’ magazine
  • Member benefits and discounts
  • Comprehensive NSRA Shop
  • Help to support the Association’s work in safeguarding and protecting our sport

See more details of Individual insurance membership benefits by viewing the Individual Member brochure of cover in the downloads section below.

Contact the NSRA Membership Team

Insurance for affiliated clubs, associations and organisations

  • One of the benefits of your club/association/ organisation becoming a member of the NSRA is the automatic provision of insurance to protect you in the event of causing injury to third parties, damage to their property or financial loss
  • In addition to the covers provided within your affiliation there are also options if clubs/ associations/ organisations would like to increase certain cover limits or include additional benefits.
  • This specialist insurance scheme has been designed to provide cover for NSRA member Clubs, Associations and Organisations.

  • Public and products liability - provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property
  • Employers liability - provides cover in respect of claims made against the club/ association/organisation for injuries caused to an employee arising out of and in the course of such employment.
  • Professional indemnity - provides protection for the club/association/organisation in the event of being proven legally liable for negligent acts, errors or omissions including claims for defamation such as libel or slander
  • Abuse cover - protection for committee members and club officers against claims relating to safeguarding, including mental or physical abuse perpetrated by a member.
  • Directors and officers liability - provides cover for claims made directly against individuals at the club/association/organisation e.g. officer, committee member, director and/or trustee for alleged wrongful acts.
  • Shooting equipment - cover of up to £10,000 for loss or damage to shooting equipment owned by a club/association/ organisation or for which a club/ association/ organisation is legally responsible for.

    Options available to increase sum insured. Subject to minimum security standards. Please see the downloads section for more information.

  • Contents - cover of up to £10,000 for loss or damage to club/organisation/ association property or for which a club/organisation/association is legally responsible for, such as trophies etc.

    Options available to increase sums insured. Please see the downloads section for more information.

  • Legal expenses (optional) - pursuit or defence of any claim of legal proceedings in connection with the affairs of the Club made or brought by or against the insured within the jurisdiction of a court (including employment claims).

    Please see the downloads section for more information.

The following persons would be covered:

  • The Club Committee.
  • Officers and Trustees.
  • Affiliated Members.
  • Junior and Probationary Members.
  • Guests and Visitors who are signed in/recorded in the visitors’ book.
  • Club volunteers.

This cover will be operative from the 1 January each year or the date a club/association/ organisation becomes a member of the NSRA, whichever is the later. The NSRA Group policy, and any supplementary policy you buy to increase your cover, will be annually renewable on the 1st January each year.    

Additional Information
  • While the NSRA does not advocate lone shooting, it is recognised that certain activities such as rough shooting and vermin control generally take place away from a shooting club environment. In line with NSRA rules and insurers requirements it is essential to observe ‘best practice’ at all times when all insured activities are undertaken. Further details can be found on the NSRA website under ‘codes and guidance’.
  • Member to member cover is automatically included (that is if you accidently shoot/ injure another member). Additionally, if you rent/hire premises and an incident caused by you means the premises owner is sued as a result, cover extends to the owner.


For us, the two most important factors to consider when dealing with claims are to respond quickly and, more importantly, effectively – ensuring you receive consistently excellent levels of service and that your interests are protected to the highest standards.

Claims process

PLEASE NOTE: This specialist insurance scheme has been designed to provide cover for NSRA member Clubs, Associations and Organisations. Please refer to the policy summary for details.

  • All incidents that could give rise to a claim must be reported and any writ or summons you receive must be forwarded to Marsh Sport immediately.
  • Please note: failure to report a circumstance or a potential claim immediately could result in this policy not covering the incident.
  • To report a claim or incident please contact Marsh Sport or call us on 0345 872 5060 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) 

Insurance for individual members

  • This specialist insurance scheme has been designed to provide cover for NSRA affiliated members .
  • Note that to benefit from this insurance coaches must be operating in their own individual name, and must not be operating as a limited company or where a trading name is used.
  • Different benefits are provided dependent on the type of membership (Life, Annual or Associate).

  • Public & products liability - provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property.
  • Professional indemnity - provides protection for you in the event of being proven legally liable for negligent acts, errors or omissions including claims for defamation such as libel or slander.
  • Personal accident - cover for bodily injury suffered following an accident sustained whilst undertaking permitted NSRA activities

    Level of cover is dependent upon type of membership - see summary in the downloads.

  • Shooting equipment - cover for loss or damage (limit of cover is dependent upon type of membership - see summary) to shooting equipment owned by you or for which you are legally responsible for

    Option available to increase the sums insured - see the downloads.

  • Legal expenses - legal fees and expenses relating to suspension, revocation, curtailment, variation or refusal to renew the member’s Firearms Certificate, under current legislation.

  • Individual members that affiliate directly to the NSRA.
  • This cover will be operative from the 1 January each year or the date an individual becomes a member of the NSRA, whichever is the later. The NSRA group policy, and any supplementary policy you buy to increase your cover, will be annually renewable on the 1st January each year. (Although cover will be in place for those joining at dates other than 1st January of any year).

For us, the two most important factors to consider when dealing with claims are to respond quickly and, more importantly, effectively – ensuring you receive consistently excellent levels of service and that your interests are protected to the highest standards.

Claims process

PLEASE NOTE: This specialist insurance scheme has been designed to provide cover for NSRA affiliated members (note that to benefit from this insurance coaches must be operating in their own individual name, and must not be operating as a limited company or where a trading name is used). Different benefits are provided dependent on the type of membership (Life, Annual or Associate). Please refer to the policy summary for details.

  • All incidents that could give rise to a claim must be reported and any writ or summons you receive must be forwarded to Marsh Sport immediately.
  • Please note: failure to report a circumstance or a potential claim immediately could result in this policy not covering the incident.
  • To report a claim or incident please contact Marsh Sport or call us on 0345 872 5060 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) 
  • NSRA Legal Helpline 0330 100 9515 (Provided by Cigna)

Frequently Asked Questions

Please use the tabs to view FAQs for individual members, clubs, organisations and associations.
selected option

This product is designed to meet the demands and needs of the majority of NSRA members that wish to protect themselves against third party liability, personal accident and provision of legal expenses cover. Cover extends to include shooting equipment with options to increase the sums insured by purchasing an additional policy. See summary (page 7) for details of how to arrange this. The above statements do not constitute advice or a personal recommendation for our product. Should you require advice please contact Marsh Sport. For non related insurance membership enquiries please contact the NSRA on 01483 485 502/503 or While the NSRA does not advocate lone shooting, it is recognised that certain activities such as rough shooting and vermin control generally take place away from a shooting club environment. In line with NSRA rules and insurers requirements it is essential to observe 'best practice' at all times when all insured activities are undertaken. Further details can be found on the NSRA website under 'codes and guidance'. Member to member cover is automatically included (that is if you accidently shoot/ injure another member). Additionally, if you rent/hire premises and an incident caused by you means the premises owner is sued as a result, cover extends to the owner.

All incidents that could give rise to a claim must be reported and any writ or summons you receive must be forwarded to Marsh Sport immediately. Please note failure to report a circumstance or a potential claim immediately could result in this policy not covering the incident.To report a claim or incident please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) or email

By NSRA arranging cover as a group insurance scheme it means that premiums are better managed. Cover will automatically be obtained via the membership process and further details of the scheme benefits can be found in the summary. The summary of cover does not include all the policy benefits, limits and exclusions. Full terms, conditions and exclusions are shown in the master policy document, a copy of which is available on request.

The Insurer shall be entitled to refuse to pay any claim for shooting equipment unless the following minimum security protections are complied with in respect of contents covered within a building:

In respect of buildings covered under the Buildings Specification:

(a) all final exit timber doors must (i) have frames which are at least 45mm thick, (ii) be fitted with mortice deadlocks which conform to British Standard 3621:1980 for thief resistant locks; and (iii) if double leaf, also be fitted with security bolts at the top and bottom of their first closing leaf;

(b) all final exit aluminium doors must (i) be fitted with a swing bolt mortice lock; and (ii) if double leaf, also be fitted with security bolts at the top and bottom of their first closing leaf;

(c) all other external or internal doors leading to common areas or other premises must be fitted with key operated security bolts at the top and bottom; and

(d) all windows on the ground floor and/or which are accessible from roofs, fire escapes or downpipes must be fitted with key operated locks or bars or grilles.

Requirements (a) -(d) above shall not apply to any door or window officially designated by the fire authority as a fire exit.

In respect of purpose-built shipping containers used for storage covered under the Ancillary Buildings Specification:

(a) both access doors must be fitted with at least one 6mm-16mm Mul-T-Lock (C Series) closed shackle padlock on each leaf; and

(b) the central closing point where both doors meet must be fitted with at least one 11mm-13mm Mul-T-Lock slide bolt lock incorporating a metal covering box.

In respect of any other structures covered under the Ancillary Buildings Specification, all reasonable security measures must be fitted to protect those structures from unauthorised access.

  • Public liability: £250 for each and every claim in respect of damage to property only.
  • Employers liability: No excess.
  • Personal accident: No excess.
  • Shooting equipment: £150.
  • Legal expenses: No excess.

No, if you require buildings insurance please call us for a quotation on 0345 872 5060 (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).

By NSRA arranging cover as a group insurance scheme it means that premiums are more manageable for their affiliated club/association/organisation. Cover will automatically be obtained via the affiliation process. Individual members can also purchase their own policy and a separate summary is available. The summary of cover does not include all the policy benefits, limits and exclusions. Full terms, conditions and exclusions are shown in the master policy document, a copy of which is available on request.

All incidents that could give rise to a claim must be reported and any writ or summons you receive must be forwarded to Marsh Sport immediately. Please note failure to report a circumstance or a potential claim immediately could result in this policy not covering the incident. To report a claim or incident please contact Marsh Sport on 0345 872 5060 (9am to 5pm Monday to Friday) or email

This product is designed to meet the demands and needs of the majority of NSRA affiliated clubs/ associations/organisations that wish to protect themselves against third party liability. Cover extends to include the provision of cover for shooting equipment and general contents with options to increase the sums insured by purchasing an additional policy. In addition there is an option to purchase a policy for legal expenses insurance. See page 7 of the summary for details of how to purchase additional cover. The above statements do not constitute advice or a personal recommendation for our product. Should you require advice please contact Marsh Sport.

No, the insurance coverage is designed to cover the NSRA affiliated clubs and their respective activates and not to cover commercial activities, therefore additional insurance would be required.

The Insurer shall be entitled to refuse to pay any claim for shooting equipment unless the following minimum security protections are complied with in respect of contents covered within a building:

In respect of buildings covered under the Buildings Specification: 

(a) all final exit timber doors must (i) have frames which are at least 45mm thick, (ii) be fitted with mortice deadlocks which conform to British Standard 3621:1980 for thief resistant locks; and (iii) if double leaf, also be fitted with security bolts at the top and bottom of their first closing leaf;

(b) all final exit aluminium doors must (i) be fitted with a swing bolt mortice lock; and (ii) if double leaf, also be fitted with security bolts at the top and bottom of their first closing leaf;

(c) all other external or internal doors leading to common areas or other premises must be fitted with key operated security bolts at the top and bottom; and

(d) all windows on the ground floor and/or which are accessible from roofs, fire escapes or downpipes must be fitted with key operated locks or bars or grilles.

Requirements (a) - (d) above shall not apply to any door or window officially designated by the fire authority as a fire exit.

In respect of purpose-built shipping containers used for storage covered under the Ancillary Buildings Specification:

(a) both access doors must be fitted with at least one 6mm-16mm Mul-T-Lock (C Series) closed shackle padlock on each leaf; and

(b) the central closing point where both doors meet must be fitted with at least one 11mm-13mm Mul-T-Lock slide bolt lock incorporating a metal covering box.

In respect of any other structures covered under the Ancillary Buildings Specification, all reasonable security measures must be fitted to protect those structures from unauthorised access.

A significant number of NSRA clubs use Reserve Forces and Cadet Association and/ or MoD facilities. The Association's Combined Liability protection has been extended to include the following:

  1. Includes "The Secretary of State for Defence" as a protected party.
  2. In relation to Clause 1 - Indemnity. This clause has been extended to re-state the definition of damages: "damages includes all sums which the NSRA, Affiliated Clubs and Organisations may be liable to pay to the Secretary of State for Defence or the Crown under the indemnity provisions of any licence which the Secretary of State for Defence may from time to time grant to the NSRA for the use of any Reserve Forces and Cadet Association and Ministry of Defence facilities."
  3. In relation to the Claims Conditions, the following paragraph has been deleted for claims put forward under the licences now or subsequently in force between the NSRA, Affiliated Clubs and Organisations and the Ministry of Defence for use of Reserve Forces and Cadet Association and Ministry facilities: "No admission offer promise payment or indemnity shall be made or given by or on behalf of the club without the written consent of the Company which shall be entitled to take over and conduct in the name of the club the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute any claim in the name of the club for its own benefit and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim."

  • Public liability: £250 for each and every claim in respect of damage to property only.
  • Employers liability: No excess.
  • Officers and committee liability: No excess
  • Professional indemnity: No excess
  • Abuse: No excess
  • Shooting equipment: £150
  • Contents (incl. money): £150

The club will be covered for all shooting related activities, however if you rent the building you may be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the premises. We would recommend taking out Property Owners Liability insurance to cover the club, to cover the club if you own or are legally liable for third party injury and or damage that is caused by or linked to your property.

Useful downloads

Get in touch

Please do not hesitate to contact our specialist sports insurance team and we will be happy to help. Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (we are closed on bank holidays).