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British Water Ski & Wakeboard insurance zone


Marsh Sport are the appointed insurance broker to British Water Ski & Wakeboard (BWSW). This web page sets out details of the insurance provided as part of your voluntary club membership, how to report an incident and some frequently asked questions. It is important that your insurance requirements are viewed in their totality, with appropriate advice, on at least an annual basis, for risks not addressed by the voluntary club policy.

Please read the information contained within the BWSW Members Insurance Cover Summary and BWSW Club FAQs in conjunction with the information contained within this website.

Who is covered?

This cover applies only to activities authorised or recognised by BWSW. The policy covers:

BWSW, affiliated voluntary not for profit clubs (including the committee for the time being), BWSW board,  committees, voluntary officials, volunteers, instructors, coaches and club members.

Note that the policy requires that the club has met all the affiliation requirements of BWSW i.e. that it is a voluntary not for profit club, has registered all its members, has paid the affiliation fee and can meet the BWSW Safeguarding standards by having in post a Club Welfare Officer.

What are the permitted insured activities?

  • Waterski (Slalom, Tricks & Jump).
  • Wakeboard.
  • Wakeskate.
  • Wakesurf.
  • Kneeboard.
  • Barefoot.
  • Cable.


  • The BWSW club insurance does not cover motorised towed activities on the water nor does it cover premises liability cover. It is essential that all members (both voluntary not for profit member clubs and commercial operations) consider securing their own appropriate insurance for such activities.
  • The BWSW insurance does not cover the activities of a commercial business or professional coaches. This will include where voluntary clubs carry out activities of a commercial / business nature. It is essential that commercial operations and professional coaches secure their own appropriate insurance.

What insurance do you get as part of your membership?

As part of your membership with BWSW you automatically receive the benefit of the Combined Liability insurance, as described in this document.

Period of Insurance: 1st January 2025 – 31st December 2026

Insurer – AXA XL Insurance Company UK Limited

Policy Number - 2001875/0

Policy limits are as follows:

  • An element of Public Liability - cover for your legal liability of up to £10,000,000. Nil Excess.
  • Professional Indemnity - cover for the club or voluntary coaches' legal liability up to £10,000,000. Nil Excess.
  • Directors & Officers - cover up to £10,000,000 (but with a £500,000 sub-limit for wrongful employment practices cover, a £250,000 sub-limit for loss of documents / data cover and criminal prosecution cover, and a £100,000 sub-limit for data protection related cover). £250 Excess.
  • Abuse Cover – cover up to £2,500,000. Nil Excess.
  • Employers Liability – cover up to £10,000,000 (but with £5,000,000 sub-limits for terrorism and asbestos). Nil Excess.

Please note that there are, as with any insurance policy, several exclusions, and limitations which you need to be aware of. In this respect further details are contained within the BWSW Members Insurance Cover Summary and BWSW Club FAQs.


Personal accident insurance is also provided to individual members of BWSW, ages 5- 80 years.

Period of Insurance: 1 April 2024 – 31 March 2025.

Insurer – AXA XL Insurance Company UK Limited

Policy Number - 1971972/0

Please see below for further details of the benefits provided.

The covers explained

Cover for clubs if they are found to be legally responsible for causing bodily injury to a third party (such as a member of the public or another member) or for damage to a third party’s property. 

Cover is limited to recognised activities of a voluntary sports club and whilst it will cover on water activity, it does not cover motorised activity, defined as liability relating to the driver or liability attaching to the boat, premises or occupiers liability cover – clubs will need to source these insurances independently.

Member-to-Member liability is included within the Public Liability cover - this element of cover protects (defends) one insured member (outside of motorised activity) if another member is injured and a claim is made against them.

This cover is available in relation to activities performed anywhere in the world, but only if the claim is made in a jurisdiction other than the USA. 

Please note therefore, that insurance should be in place against legal liability to pay compensation (including legal costs) for death or personal injury to any other person or damage to other peoples property as a result of motorised activity or arising in respect of premises or occupiers liability at your facility.

The club should also purchase Premises Liability/Occupiers Liability to protect the club in respect of claims made against them in respect of their legal liability for personal injury or property damage suffered by third parties and arising from the club owning/occupying any premises.

Cover to protect affiliated clubs or qualified voluntary instructors and coaches, officials, judges, homologators, for claims made against them which allege that a third party has suffered an injury or financial loss caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions during coaching or officiating activities that were provided so long as done on a voluntary basis.

This cover is available in relation to activities performed anywhere in the world, but only if the claim is bought in a jurisdiction other than the USA.

It is important to note that abuse cover does not include the alleged perpetrator and is not available as regards incidents outside the United Kingdom.

Provides cover in respect of claims made against the BWSW affiliated club for injuries caused to an employee of the club arising out of and in the course of their employment (including for these purposes, volunteers who are working on behalf of a club in an unpaid capacity).

This cover is available in relation to activities performed anywhere in the world, but only if the claim is made in a United Kingdom jurisdiction.

Provides cover for claims made directly against individuals on the BWSW board or a discipline committee member or at a BWSW affiliated club e.g. officer, committee member, director and/or trustee for alleged wrongful acts in connection with the club affairs. Please note however, that this cover does not apply where the claim in any way relates to personal injury or property damage.

This cover is available in relation to activities performed anywhere in the world, but only if the claim is made in a United Kingdom jurisdiction.

Cover is provided to individual members of BWSW, ages 5- 80 years

Please note the geographical limit is worldwide.

Scope of cover Details Level of cover
Scope of cover Details Level of cover
Death Death whilst taking part in the sport or travelling to and from calendared events. £50,000
Permanent Total Disablement Standard – from any occupation, Paraplegia, Quadriplegia £50,000
Permanent Partial Disablement Standard scale applies* £30,000
Temporary Total Disablement 28 days excess period, max period 26 weeks Up to £200 per week
Dental Injury Up to £750
Physiotherapy £50 excess applies, written referral from a medical practitioner for physio must be in place following the bodily injury for the benefit to be paid Up to £500
Broken Arm Fractures that require hospital attention Up to £500
Broken Leg Fractures that require hospital attention Up to £500
Hospitalisation Up to 14 days – 1 day deferment period £50 per night
Convalescence Full 24-hour period up to a maximum of 25 x 24 hour periods.** £100 per 24 hours

*Permanent Partial Disablement - Standard Scale:

Condition Percentage of Capital Sum Payable
Loss of Limb (one limb) 100%
Loss of Limb (two or more) 100%
Loss of Sight (one eye) 50%
Loss of Sight (both eyes) 100%
Loss of Limb & Loss of Sight 100%
Loss of Hearing (one ear) 25%
Loss of Hearing (both ears) 100%
Loss of Speech 100%
** Convalescence shall mean an Insured Person who has been subject to Hospital admission and for whom a period of time for convalescence rehabilitation, rest or extended care is necessarily prescribed by a Medical Practitioner to aid recovery following Bodily Injury caused by an Accident during the Period of Insurance at the Operative Time. 

The most the Insurer will pay to any one Insured Person in respect of this extension is specified in the Schedule per full 24-hour period up to a maximum of twenty five (25) twenty four (24) hour periods.

Personal Accident policy Age Limit across all benefits listed above - applicable for Ages 5 to 80 only 
Reduced Benefits apply for: 

- Ages 5 to 16 - 20% of Death Benefit otherwise full Benefits Schedule applies
- Ages 71 to 80 - 25% of Death and Permanent Total Disablement and Permanent Partial Disablement Benefit otherwise full Benefits Schedule applies

Important note:
This insurance does not cover any injury where it is not possible to determine how the injury occurred, e.g., torn ligaments, strains and sprains as the member may have contributed to the injury by not warming up properly or participating whilst they had a pre-existing injury.

Important note:
Please note the Physio cover does not apply if treatment has been received by the NHS or claimed for under a current private medical insurance or any other insurance policy.

Reporting an incident

  • All incidents that could give rise to a claim must be reported at your earliest opportunity to Marsh Sport using the details below.
  • Any claim form, summons, or similar, must be forwarded on immediately following receipt.
  • You should not admit liability under any circumstances as the insurers will respond to all allegations on your behalf.

Frequently asked questions

The liability insurance applies when a member of BWSW is participating in any of the following normal activities associated with being a member of BWSW outside of motorised activity and premises and occupiers liability. This will include water ski (slalom, trick and jump), wakeboard, wakeskate, wakesurf, kneeboard, barefoot, and cable.

Certain non-water based activities relating to the above are covered and include, instructing, coaching, officiating and acting as inspectors, tutors and assessors on a voluntary basis.

Employers Liability protects the employer in the event of an injury to an employee, for which the employer is liable.

Employers Liability could apply to clubs who employ coaches or volunteers to work on their behalf.

Public Liability protects a club/member/volunteer if another member, or a member of the public, sues them for injury or damage caused.

We recommend that a designated person within your club is made responsible to record any reportable accident/incident. Records must be kept for at least 6 years, and longer where it involves a person under the age of 18 years. Names and addresses of any possible witnesses should also be recorded. Please ensure your club has an accident book to record all such information. In respect of Safeguarding allegations records should be kept indefinitely.

You receive Public Liability up to £10,000,000 and Professional Indemnity up to £10,000,000. This cover is provided to voluntary / unpaid qualified, licensed instructors and coaches. Please note paid professional coaches engaged by clubs require their own liability cover.

This does not cover abuse claims made against a coach. Please see the covers explained section.

If your query relates to the insurance policy please contact Marsh Sport on either 0345 872 5060, or by email at

If there are verbal or written allegations made against your club, you should record the information and notify Marsh Sport of the incident at your earliest opportunity. Please contact 0345 872 5060 or email

In NO circumstances should you admit liability or agree to pay for any damage caused as this may prejudice the position of Insurers and COULD result in the withdrawal of any indemnity.

Please note this is a Liability policy where Insurers decide if negligence attaches to you, meaning any payment you make to any third parties will not necessarily be reimbursed.

Yes, the public liability insurance provided will defend your position, should you be sued for injury to a third party or damage to a third parties property. Please note any claims relating to deliberate or criminal acts are excluded.

This does not cover abuse claims made against a coach. Please see the covers explained section.

Yes, Clubs are provided with Employers Liability insurance, with a Limit of Indemnity of £10,000,000.

If the club is unincorporated, the officer (and its members) could be liable for any and all financial losses incurred by the club. The Directors and Officers insurance provided by BWSW is in place to support you and your club for claims in respect of allegations which may come against the officer whilst undertaking their role.

If the club is incorporated the directors may still find themselves personally liable and therefore Directors & Officers Insurance is essential.

Please note this is a different type of cover to Professional Liability, which is a form of liability insurance which helps protect professional advice given by your club this is also known as errors and omissions cover.

It is recommended that you undertake risk assessments for the activities of your club to support you in your risk management. Clubs will be subject to many situations where they have a duty of care to third parties. If an allegation for negligence is made against you or your club the risk assessments could be needed to evidence what you have reasonably been able to do to prevent an incident occurring.

Risks not insured by the policies include the following:

Boats & Vehicles - vehicles (including tractors) and boats require their own insurance; if your club owns a boat, it needs separate insurance cover for water skiing and wakeboarding. If your members own boats, they should NOT be allowed on your water unless they show proof of their own boat insurance. Further commentary is given in relation to boat owners in the BWSW Insurance Summary.

Commercial Clubs & Ski Schools – commercial operators require adequate business cover to include Public Liability Insurance and Employers Liability Insurance – all of which may be acquired via Marsh Sport please contact 0345 872 5060 (Owen Brimicombe) or your usual broker or adviser.

Pay & Play Activity – pay and play non-member activity at BWSW affiliated clubs is not covered by the club policy. It is important to note that guests and visitors in a club environment may ski at the club and be covered for up to 6 visits (9 visits for those with a disability) after which they need to join the club.

Property & Contents – your club should have separate cover for property and contents and premises liability/ occupiers liability which is outside the scope of the liability cover provided.

Commercial & Professional Coaches - you need to have your own Professional Indemnity Insurance cover. BWSW qualified and registered coaches are only covered when coaching within the BWSW network (e.g. at an affiliated club or at a BWSW activity) on a voluntary basis within the UK.

Other Sports & Corporate Events – other sports not related to water skiing and wakeboarding are not covered by the policy e.g. open water swimming and trampolining. These sports have their own coaching structure and need to be offered via those who are competent to do so. Likewise, corporate events and days e.g. dragon boat races are not part of the sport and are not covered by the policy. You should seek to “top-up” any policy for other activities e.g. open water swimming, fishing etc. by speaking to Marsh Sport or your usual adviser.

Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of risks which are not covered by the policy. You should seek advice from an insurance broker to ascertain what insurances are required for your situation.

Limited liability cover is provided for BWSW trips abroad. You should check before each trip, particularly as regards to the USA, as to the extent of cover. Abuse cover is not available in any event.