- No excess in respect of personal injury claims.
- £500 excess in respect of damage to third party property.
We have worked in conjunction with England Golf to create a liability insurance product for all members of affiliated golf clubs and England iGolf subscribers.
England Golf arranges cover as a centrally purchased policy to ensure all stakeholders have some protection. It is therefore important that you read the summary of cover and policy wording (downloads available below) to ensure you are aware of what the main policy benefits and exclusions are. If you are unsure if cover is adequate for your needs take a look at our FAQs section or please contact us.
This liability insurance scheme is designed to indemnify:
The England Golf policy provides affiliated members and England iGolf subscribers with:
This product is exclusively available via affiliation or subscription to England Golf.
You are not covered for:
*This cover is subject to UK jurisdiction and specifically excludes the USA and Canada.
Understanding the insurance cover - member benefit
The 'My Golf Insurance' policy has been exclusively designed for England Golf members and England iGolf subscribers. England Golf automatically provides £10,000,000 personal liability insurance for all members of an affiliated club and iGolf Subscribers. The ‘My Golf Insurance’ product allows England Golf members, and England iGolf Subscribers, the option to supplement their England Golf membership personal liability cover, as well as insuring against other exposures.
Depending on the level of cover selected, some of the policy features include:
1. Excess varies depending on the level of cover selected.
2. For equipment up to 3 years old, and dependent on the level of cover selected.
3. Serious injury benefits are reduced if you are 80 years or over.
The policies are underwritten and administered by Chubb European Group SE and will dovetail exclusively with the England Golf and iGolf subscriber liability membership benefit.
Arranged and administered by Chubb European Group SE.
Please note that this policy is administered directly by Chubb European Group SE, so to find out more about the policies, and obtain a quotation, you will be redirected to their hosted website. You can also contact their service team on the number provided on their website - Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (excluding Public Holidays).
Understanding the insurance cover - additional benefit option
Claims that fall under this policy are usually notified to you either verbally or in writing by a third party or in writing from the legal representatives of a third party.
So that we can deal with your claim as quickly as possible, please ensure that:
Marsh Sport will handle claims.
The role of the Insurance Broker - Marsh Sport
We are England Golfs appointed insurance broker providing insurance and risk management guidance and we place insurance covers with the Insurers on their behalf. Our role is to provide England Golf and their members and iGolf subscribers with support in the event of a claim, or potential claim, and to liaise with England Golf and the insurance company/loss adjuster as appropriate.
Often, we will be the first point of contact when you need to report a claim or potential incident or require advice. We will set up a claim file and unique reference number with the aim to support you throughout the entire process ensuring you are kept fully informed of developments and to notify you if any loss adjusters or other third parties are required to assist.
The role of the Insurance Company - Burns and Wilcox Ltd
The England Golf Liability policy is underwritten by Burns and Wilcox Ltd - the insurance company. They ultimately pay any third party compensation as a result of any successful claim that is made against you. They may instruct a loss adjuster to handle the claim dependent upon the type of incident and value.
Yes you can, this can be covered with a Personal Accident policy.
The most obvious example is negligence arising through a ball strike causing injury to another person. The most common example of this would be taking your tee shot when golfers playing in front of you are still within range or ignoring signage on a blind tee shot telling you to wait for the 'BELL' before playing your tee shot.
Notify Marsh Sport immediately and let us have any relevant documentation.
No, there is no age limit under the policy so all affiliated members and England iGolf subscribers are covered regardless of age?
The benefit provided via England Golf to an affiliated member and England iGolf subscriber whilst playing golf at any golf course in the UK, Channel Island or Isle of Man, is designed to offer primary insurance for personal liability. Whilst you may choose to cancel any additional personal liability cover that you have be very careful before doing so as most specific golfers insurance products tend to offer a combined package of benefits which include equipment and/or personal accident covers as well as personal liability.
No cover is provided for incidents arising out of the use of golf buggies. Many golf club's own or lease golf buggies for their members and visitors. It is our belief that all golf clubs should have a minimum of third party motor insurance for driving buggies' in and around the course even if it is private land.
You are covered for personal liability in the event that you are found to be negligent for causing injury to another person or damage to third party property whilst playing or practicing golf at any golf club or recognised practice facility in the UK, Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man.
Yes, full cover is operative
Yes. This is available as an optional benefit to members of affiliated golf clubs. Click here to find out more.
If you are a member of an England Golf affiliated club and are registered on the WHS portal as a club member, you will automatically receive Public Liability insurance £10,000,000 for third party injury and third party property.
If you are an England iGolf subscriber, you will be covered once you have purchased your iGolf subscription.
If your golfing holiday is in the UK, Channel Islands, or the Isle of Man then yes you are fully covered.
Provided you have arranged travel insurance for your golfing holiday then cover will extend to include golf trips of no more than 28 days on a worldwide basis. Cover under this extension is provided on a contingency basis up to but not exceeding the limit provided under your travel policy. This cover is subject to UK jurisdiction and specifically excludes USA and Canada
No cover is provided for clubs or other golfing equipment under this main policy. However, this cover is available as an additional option for members of affiliated golf clubs. Click here to find out more.
In respect of any personal injury claims you are covered for the full amount of any awards made to an injured party including any legal expenses. In respect of damage to third party property the England Golf member is responsible for the first £500 of any claim.
Provided the range is an integral part of an England Golf affiliated golf club and you are an affiliated member of England Golf or England iGolf Subscriber then full cover will apply.
The indemnity limit provided is £10,000,000.
It relates to where any disputes are actually heard. For clarity provided any action is bought in a UK court of law then the cover will be operative.
Cover extends to include member to member so the cover will be fully operative.
No. The cover provided via your affiliation to England Golf covers third party property damage and injury only. Therefore if, as a result of your negligence you cause injury to a third party or damage to a third parties property (subject to a £500 excess), as a result of playing or practicing golf, your cover via your England Golf will respond.
Any claims for you securing a Hole in One must be insured separately. England Golf members have access to an exclusive product which incorporates Hole in One cover and can be purchased separately. Should this be of interest you can find out more here. (Please note you will be directed to a separate website hosted by Chubb European Group SE).