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Paddle UK insurance zone

Insurance for clubs

As part of your affiliation membership with Paddle UK, Paddle Scotland, Paddle Northern Ireland (including members of CANI resident in the Republic of Ireland) and Canoe Wales you automatically receive the benefit of Combined Liability insurance. 

To understand what these covers are and to see the main terms and conditions that apply please make sure you refer to the policy summary and policy wording which can be found in the downloads section below.

The policies run from 1st November to 31st October annually.

Policy details and limits

  • Public Liability - cover for your legal liability of up to £10,000,000 (£250 Excess).
    Public liability insurance provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property.
    Products liability insurance provides protection against legal liability to pay compensation including legal costs for death or bodily injury, or damage to third party property arising from products supplied.
  • Professional Indemnity - cover for the club's or coaches legal liability of up to £10,000,000 (£1,000 Excess).
    Cover to protect affiliated clubs or coaches for claims made against them which allege that a third party has suffered an injury or financial loss caused by negligent acts, errors or omissions during coaching activities.
  • Directors and Officers – cover for club committee members of up to £5,000,000.
    Protection for committee members and club officers against claims arising from their decision or actions whilst managing the organisation.
  • Employers Liability – cover for clubs in respect of claims for injuries made by employees or volunteers, up to £10,000,000.
    Protection against legal liability in respect of claims made for injuries to any volunteer or employee of the member club.
  • Abuse cover up to £2m (£2,500 Excess).

Important Information

(Not applicable to SCA, CANI or Canoe Wales)

Club Associate members receive Public Liability (third party liability) and professional indemnity insurance for any activity that has been assessed as part of the club’s activity, in accordance with the new definition of club activity.

Club Associate members are also covered by insurance when they coach and lead groups within the constraints of ‘club activity’, as long as they have undertaken a competency framework assessment.

Please note - As from 1st October 2020 club activity for English based clubs affiliated to Paddle UK is defined as:

‘Any activity that has been assessed as part of the club’s safety framework and promoted on the club calendar, website or noticeboard.’ ‘Club activities also include inter-club activities where the responsibility for risk assessment and management is carried out and then shared between all participating clubs.’ 

Frequently Asked Questions

If the club is unincorporated, the officer (and its members) could be liable for any and all financial losses incurred by the club. The Directors and Officers insurance provided by Paddle UK is in place to support you and your club for claims in respect of allegations which may come against the officer whilst undertaking their role. If the club is incorporated the directors may still find themselves personally liable and therefore Directors & Officers Insurance is essential. Please note this is a different type of cover to Professional Liability, which is a form of liability insurance which helps protect professional advice given by your club this is also known as errors and omissions cover.

Yes, provided the sessions are covered in the clubs safety framework

In addition to recognised Paddle UK activities, clubs are covered for all activities typically associated with the running of a club, including administration and social events. Ergo and Strength and Conditioning activities are also included, subject to any equipment being checked and maintained on a regular basis, and an induction course in how to use the items of equipment is provided to new members. Clubs should complete a risk assessment for these sessions and review it regularly.

If there are verbal or written allegations made against your club, you should record the information and notify Marsh Sport of the incident at your earliest opportunity. Please contact 0345 872 5060 or message us.

In NO circumstances should you admit liability or agree to pay for any damage caused as this may prejudice the position of Insurers and COULD result in the withdrawal of any indemnity. Please note this is a Liability policy where Insurers decide if negligence attaches to you, meaning any payment you make to any third parties will not necessarily be reimbursed.

If your query relates to the insurance policy please contact our insurance broker, Marsh Sport on either 0345 872 5060, or message us.

No. If members are paddling outside a club session then they will need their own Paddle UK On The Water membership to be covered for third party liability insurance, or they need to take out their own insurance elsewhere.

No, they would need to be individual members to be insured. If, however, this is a club activity and the club has deployed a suitably experienced leader, cover would be in place for the club and its members.

Individuals who may be interested in joining a club are insured for a maximum of 6 initial 'taster' sessions. For indemnity to apply it is essential that the club records their name, address and dates of attendance. These details must be retained as they may be called upon in the event of a claim.

Club Associates are covered by insurance for any activity that has been assessed as part of the club's safety framework and promoted on the club calendar, website or noticeboard. Club activities also include inter-club activities where the responsibility for risk assessment and management is carried out and shared between all participating clubs. Club Associates are covered by insurance for entry-level competitions organised for or on behalf of Paddle UK Discipline Committees or participation events organised by Regional Development Teams (RDTs).

Paddle UK will be asking clubs for their Employers Reference Number at the start of 2022. If you do not have an ERN the club will be asked to confirm they are exempt. For your information the ERN is a number given to every business that registers with HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) as an employer, and is provided by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) under which the employees' income tax and NI contributions are recorded. It can be obtained from any mandatory HMRC documentation, including P45, P60, P11/D and most payslips.

In all cases where PAYE is operated, an ERN is allocated to the employer and the ERN applies to all UK businesses employing one or more people. A minority of employers do not have an ERN, including those that:

  1. pay all their employees below the current threshold (£240 per week, £1042 monthly, £12,500 annually); or
  2. are registered in the Channel Islands (These have no tax presence in the UK). 

All our coaches are volunteers, is it still necessary? 

There is a statutory requirement for clubs to have Employers Liability Insurance if you employ the services of others. The definition of employee makes no distinction between paid and unpaid work meaning your club volunteers could still be classed as an "employee".

It is essential that you undertake risk assessments for the activities of your club to support you in your risk management. You and your club owe a duty of care to those around you. If an allegation for negligence is made against you or your club the risk assessments will be needed to evidence what you have reasonably been able to do to prevent an incident occurring.

Club Associates registered with the SCA are covered for recognised club activities only. If you wish cover to extend for non-club activity, we recommend upgrading to individual membership.

Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, Directors' and Officers, Employers Liability & Abuse cover. Club Associate members are covered by Public Liability insurance when engaging in club activity. Members are also covered for professional indemnity insurance if they lead club activities, and have been checked and approved as competent by the club committee as part of the club safety framework.

We recommend that a designated person within your club is made responsible to record any reportable accident/incident. Records must be kept for at least 6 years, and longer where it involves a person under the age of 18 years. Names and addresses of any possible witnesses should also be recorded. Please ensure your club has an accident book to record all such information. In respect of Safeguarding allegations records should be kept indefinitely.

Employers Liability protects the employer in the event of an injury to an employee, for which the employer is liable. Employers Liability could apply to clubs who employ coaches or volunteers to work on their behalf. Public Liability protects a club/member/volunteer if another member, or a member of the public, sues them for injury or damage caused.

Insurance cover is only available to members who have a permanent UK address. Such members are covered for their liabilities in terms of recognised activities in both the UK and overseas, provided that any overseas trip is recognised/authorised by Paddle UK or the National Associations. Any member permanently living abroad is not covered.

No, if you would like to insure your equipment/premises we would recommend getting in touch with Marsh Sport.

Yes, subject to any equipment being checked and maintained on a regular basis, and an induction course in how to use the items of equipment is provided to new members, then the club is covered. Clubs should complete a risk assessment for these sessions and review it regularly.

Liability cover is provided for trips abroad that are authorised by Paddle UK or your respective home nation. However, the membership insurance does not include Travel Insurance, which can be obtained from Marsh Sport.

Get in touch


Please do not hesitate to contact our specialist sports insurance team and we will be happy to help. Call 0345 872 5060 or message us. Our office hours are Monday - Friday, 9am - 5pm (we are closed on bank holidays). 


Please contact Paddle UK's dedicated customer service team on 0300 0119 500 or contact via their website.