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Legal liability insurance

About the cover provided.

Our specialist liability package is called COUNTYCOVER PLUS and has been designed to provide protection to clubs and teams if any of their members are held at fault for bodily injury to third parties or for damage to third party property.

The following headline covers are provided under the COUNTYCOVER PLUS policy:

  1. Public and products liability
  2. Employers’ liability
  3. Officers and committee liability
  4. Professional indemnity
  5. Crisis containment

The cover explained...

selected option

What is it public and products liability insurance?

Provides protection against legal liability for bodily injury to third parties and damage to third party property.

Public and products liability claims examples:

  • A player slid off the pitch into a concrete post. It was alleged that the post was erected too close to the playing surface and injury could have been avoided if the club had taken prior action. The club were held liable for the injury to the player.
  • During a football competition the club provided their own barbeque and supplied burgers and snacks. Following the event the club received news of several cases of food poisoning from various people that had attended the event. The club were held responsible.
  • Ball hit over cross bar and lands in undergrowth behind the goal. Player went to retrieve the ball and got caught on hidden barbed wire fencing causing serious injury. Club were held liable for failing to ensure a safe environment to play in.

What is employers' liability insurance?

Provides cover in respect of claims made against the club for injuries caused to an employee of the club arising out of and in the course of such employment.

Employers' liability claims example:

  • A club asked a ‘volunteer’ if he would put the nets up on a regular basis in return for a small monetary reward. The club supplied a wooden step ladder to help fulfil the task. The stepladder collapsed whilst the volunteer was using it and resulted in sustaining an injury. It was proven that the step ladder was rotten and unsuitable for the task at hand. The club were held liable under employers' liability because of the master-servant relationship.

What is officers and committee liability insurance?

Provides cover for claims made directly against individuals at the club e.g. officer, committee member, director and/or trustee for alleged wrongful acts.

Officers and committee liability claims example:

  • During a committee meeting club member 'A' read out a statement relating to club member 'B'. Club member 'B' took offence to this statement and later pursued legal action against club member 'A' for alleged defamation of character.

What is professional indemnity insurance?

Liability cover for claims made against the club for negligent acts, errors or omissions, libel, slander, and defamation. Includes cover for coaching activities that may be given in return for a fee.

Professional indemnity claims example:

  • A club coach decided to bring in a new warm up regime before a game. A few players reported back pains a week later. It was alleged that these injuries were as a result of the new training regime and the advice that the club coach had been giving the players. Claims for injury were pursued against the coach for the instruction and advice he had given. The policy offered protection to the club coach in this particular case.

What is crisis containment insurance?

Crisis containment insurance covers you for the costs of engaging the services of a public relations crisis specialist in relation to a covered claim under any section of this policy. This is subject to terms, conditions and exclusions that can be found in the policy summary and policy wording.

How do I purchase this product?
  • This insurance policy is exclusively available via affiliation to a County FA (CFA) that has signed up to the NGIS.
  • By CFAs arranging cover as a group insurance scheme, it means that premiums are more affordable to their affiliated clubs and leagues at the lower levels of the game.
  • Cover can be obtained via the affiliation process.
  • Premiums are per member club, regardless of the number of teams.
  • Leagues and competitions can purchased the cover at the same price as clubs.

Is COUNTYCOVER PLUS available in your County?

Check to see if your County FA supports the NGIS and if they provide this product as part of their affiliation.